After moving to the Byron Center area 9 years ago we started looking for a new church, one where our (then) small family could grow. We tested out a few churches in the area and none seemed to be a great fit. Once we went to Pathway, we knew it was where we were meant to go. It felt like family, a space where we were able to be ourselves, grow our own family (both in size and spiritually), and connect with so many wonderful people. Matt and I now have five wonderful daughters and feel very blessed to raise them in the Pathway community.
Transitioning into the role of adult discipleship coordinator seemed natural. I am able to work with all of the activities I either was already doing or have desired to be a part of. Since starting I have been able to grow my faith, do what I love, and help others get connected in our church community. As the ADC, I help with all adult activities; from fun family friendly events like snow tubing or movie/ game nights to small group Bible studies, and everything in between.